Tuesday, April 1, 2008

second book's setting

The setting of this novel,when my name was keoko, is important because of all the things that happen in it. The story would be totally different if the of the period of time and location was changed. The setting was what interested me the most. Because of its unusual setting, and unusual point of view, the writer was able to attract many readers. The Japanese, during the end of WW2, were going through a very hard time to get back to the mainland. Many of us think that it was Korea that only suffered, but Japanese people had suffered as well. This book shows us what the Japanese had gone through when in korea. It seems interesing to me that the japanese had watned to come to korea in the first place. Why wouldnt they stay in their own country? Yet, because of the setting, the character goes through many series of events that make up the whole story. It would honestly have been pointless if this story took place in Japan. The setting had played a huge role in this book. It had showed us what it was like for other people, and made me think of the other point of view, like the other half to the story. You cant know everything by listening to only one person, you have to listen to other people as well, and hear their situation. In conclusion, i think that the setting can create a huge effect on the story. Sometimes the whole story might be about the setting, as it was for this.

1 comment:

Shorty:) said...

i think you described the setting and the plot well in the second part of the bamboo grove
Yoko and the groups are having and facing hardship by themselves in the wilderness.
Good job describing it!